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Auto Bin/Number

Auto Bin/Number lets you automatically add Bin Numbers to all food items that are on your menu.

Simply choose the options you want and then click OK and iMenuPro will add the Bin/Numbers.

Options for Auto Bin/Number

The following options are available:

Start numbering at

Enter the number here that you want the auto-numbering to start at.

Attach this prefix

If you want to have a prefix of letters, numbers, or symbols that precedes the number, enter that here. For example to have the numbers be C1, C2, C3, etc. enter C for the prefix. The prefix can be up to 3 characters.

Use a period after number

Check this box if you want a period after the number, such as 13., 14., etc.

Leave existing Bin/numbers

Check this box if you want any Bin/Numbers that are currently on the menu to remain unchanged. This lets you replace just the Bin/Number entries that are blank. If this box is not checked, all food items on the menu will have their Bin/numbers replaced.