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Layout Options

Layout options are advanced options that let you get under the hood to fine tune your current menu style.

You can adjust column spacing, change the description and extras indents or bullets, and change the line spacing within menu text, etc. Layout option changes are applied to your entire menu.

Column Tweaks

You can adjust the space between columns, shrink the left or right column, or tweak the line that can appears between columns.

Space between columns

Sets the space between the columns. Applied to all columns on your menu.

Line between columns

Check the box if you want a line to appear between any columns, and then use the line options to choose the type of line you want.

Uneven column width:

Lets you shrink the left or rightmost column width to create uneven (unbalanced) column widths. Applied to overall menu style columns only, not to food columns.


Sets the column line thickness in pixels.

Line Type

Sets the column line type which can be a solid, double, or dashed.

Use Shorter Line

Uses a shorter line between the columns. Because sometimes in life, what you need is a shorter line.

Line Color

Sets the column line color.

Description / Extras Tweaks

These options affect the Description and Extras only.

Left Indent

Sets the left indent for the food item descriptions (and extras) that appear on the 2nd line and beyond, relative to the left page margin and for non-centered Menu Styles only. If you want different indents for the descriptions and extras, enter the description value first, followed by a semi-colon, followed by the extras value. For example enter 0.2;0.35

Right Indent

Sets the right indent for the food item descriptions (and extras) that appear on line 2 and beyond, relative to the right page margin, for Food Layout > Left styles only.

Main bullet

Sets the description bullet (the character that separates the description from the food item name). To remove the description bullet choose none.

Swap text NEW

Swaps the extras text into where the description text normally goes and vice versa. In other words, the extras now appear before the description. The formatting and font selection, however, for each of those element positions remains the same - only the text is swapped. If you want the font to change for either position you can still use the Fonts command on either element.

Extras bullet

Sets the extras bullet (the character that appears before the extras text). To remove the extras bullet choose none.

Extras before

Sets the spacing before the extras. The style default here is normally 0, but you can add extra space here if you feel the extras are too close to the descriptions based on the fonts and style you are using.

Name indent

Sets the left indent for food item names to the specified value (has no effect on centered items).

Item photos

Sets the relative size of photos that are attached to food items on the menu. Note: Setting this option to (hide) will prevent all food photos from showing on your printed menu but will still show them on your live-sync and QR menus.

Food Layout

Sets the general layout alignment for the food items on the menu - either Left, Center, or Right. Center is good if you want to center all the food item text, rather than doing each one individually.

Description (line)

This option works together with Food Layout for Left or Right layouts. Choose whether you want the description to start on the 1st line, i.e, the same line as the item Name, or the 2nd line, the next line below the Name. For centered layouts, the description always starts on the 2nd line.

Line Spacing

This sets the overall line spacing within the food items and headings themselves (and also between them) for the entire menu. This differs from Page Spacing which is only used to add or remove spacing between food items and headings. The normal line spacing is 1.0 for most Menu Styles although some use a bit more or less. You can change the value to use a bit less than normal or go all the way up to double line spacing at 2.0.

Use Style Defaults

At any time, click the Use Style defaults button to use the Style’s default layout options.